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KL159 : Get the ball passed with subsequent change in position + Zungusha mwili wako nyuzi 180 kupitia kwa nje + Kama mtindo wa MJ + Underhand layup on the anchor leg side

  1. Get the ball passed with subsequent change in position
    Catch the ball with one hand during a lateral movement and prepare throw before groundcontact.
  2. Ruka na daka mpira, tua chini kwa miguu yote kwa pamoja
    “kama Bata anavyotua” miguu iwe umbali sawa na upana wa kifua chako na miguu ikielekea upande lilipo goli
  3. Zungusha mwili wako nyuzi 180 kupitia kwa nje
    Baada ya hapo zunguka tena nyuzi 180 kwa nje
  4. Kama mtindo wa MJ
    Simama ghafla wakati ukipiga hatua, dunda mpira mbele yako chini sana kurudi upande wa mguu uliobaki nyuma
  5. step
    push from behind
  6. Underhand layup on the anchor leg side
    Anchor leg and throwing arm are on the same side. Layup against backboard aiming for top corner of the square. Stretch your arm as much as possible upward.

tafsiri: Bahati Mgunda





  • Get the ball passed with subsequent change in position

  • Catch the ball with one hand during a lateral movement and prepare throw before groundcontact.

  • Ruka na daka mpira, tua chini kwa miguu yote kwa pamoja

  • “kama Bata anavyotua” miguu iwe umbali sawa na upana wa kifua chako na miguu ikielekea upande lilipo goli

  • Zungusha mwili wako nyuzi 180 kupitia kwa nje

  • Baada ya hapo zunguka tena nyuzi 180 kwa nje

  • Kama mtindo wa MJ

  • Simama ghafla wakati ukipiga hatua, dunda mpira mbele yako chini sana kurudi upande wa mguu uliobaki nyuma

  • step

  • push from behind

  • Underhand layup on the anchor leg side

  • Anchor leg and throwing arm are on the same side. Layup against backboard aiming for top corner of the square. Stretch your arm as much as possible upward.

sauti: Google Translator